CLI tool (written in Go) that allows to have multiple profiles of Git committer information (i.e., name & email address). You can then configure on a per-project basis which of these profiles to use.
Bot that allows you to have asynchronous standup meeting via Slack DM. Standups are formatted and posted to a status channel for team members and managers to see. Every user can configure his standup time independently.
- Meetup presentation
- Written in Elixir using OTP
- Deployed to multiple Slack workspaces and in active use every day
Multiplayer TicTacToe
Written in Elm and using Phoenix Channels ❤️
- Written for a workshop at the Elixir RheinMain Meetup
- Got me started with Phoenix Channels and handling Websockets in Elm
- Source code available: Elixir backend & Elm frontend
Game of Life
Written in Elm ❤️
- Implements Conway’s Game of Life
- Taught me quite a bit about encapsulation in Elm modules and how to represent the current Game state as Elm types
- Source code available on Github
Experiment while checking out Node.js
- Integrates with the Wunderlist API
- Fetches Recipes from Chefkoch
- Parses ingredients (Chefkoch does not offer an open API, unfortunately)
- Allows selecting and editing ingredients to insert into Wunderlist