Hey! 👋🏻

My name is Jan. Once upon a time, I finished a Masters Degree in Business Information Systems at TU Darmstadt. I’ve been writing software for quite some time, did 6 years of Ruby working while studying and 2 years of Elixir. Functional programming is something I grew to enjoy a lot, since it fits my approach to problem solving and seems to keep complexity at bay, mostly. Here are some of my side projects.

The operational side of software and making things work really well when the rubber hits the road is very enjoyable to me. I’m also sort of a performance nerd in that way, I love benchmarking and optimizing.

During my university career I touched a lot of networking technology and I’m really interested in Distributed Systems, how they operate and thinking through the cases where things can go wrong.

Previously, I’ve been working and learning alongside the great people of Grandcentrix part-time while freelancing on the side. In September 2019, I joined Google Zurich as a Site Reliability Engineer.

Drop me a mail if you think we should have a chat!

Also my CV is here (or you can find it in the navigation bar).